
United for a Sustainable and Equitable World 
I have often been at a rally for one issue that appears to be mostly comprised of one constituency - then attended another rally that is comprised of mostly ANOTHER constituency. There is some overlap, of course. But imagine if every activist made a commitment to attend at least one rally/event for an issue that is not their central concern (but is still part of the struggle for equity and sustainability). Imagine if we also coordinated some rallies and events to include several action items at one event. The numbers of people involved would expand, bringing greater attention and energy to the movement for equity and sustainability. It would also bring greater protection when forces seek to dismantle what we have already built.

This may seem simple, but sometimes people can get territorial. Or we can get very focused on our own piece of the puzzle and lose sight of the panoramic/long view. Or we can get fooled into thinking that the interests of each group are in competition with those of other groups. Or we waste time with in-fighting about which issue is paramount. Or we forget to listen to each other and learn about each others' unique experiences. Or, as a friend recently reminded me, our efforts may overlap, but we don't all agree on every issue or strategy.

Labor, Anti-Racism Work, the Environment, Renewable Energy, Women's Rights, LGBT Rights, Immigrant Rights, Criminal Justice/Police reform, Economic Justice, prisons, schools, young people...  I get action alerts and messages from organizations every day. In my own community so much is being done to create a Sustainable and Equitable World. Knowing about and supporting each other in our efforts can make us stronger and more hopeful.